
BlaaBlaaBlaa .
Just a typical music,games and anime lover. Feel free to talk crap here LOLOL
Cause im sexy and i know it



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Tuesday 25 December 2012 | 08:41

The title says it all

why cant this gif move in tumblr..

150 questions.
Monday 12 November 2012 | 07:59

Ready to answer 150 Questions? Yes
1. When was the last time you swam in a pool?
Pri 3. I hate the pool
2. Do you like to party?
Depends on with who. but mostly no
3. If your ex suddenly kissed you right now, what would you do?
I have no fucking Ex.
4. Are you a virgin?
No. I secretly did it.. JKJK of course i am a virgin. Q.Q.. 
5. What are your parents views on sex?
They approve. otherwise how the fk am i born 
6. If you ran into your current boyfriend/crush in 10 years would you marry them?
Yes. I'll marry Neneko or Aki Toyosaki :D 
7. Is your best friend dating anyone?
No. We're all forever alone. 
8. Describe the shirt you’re wearing.
9. Do people who wear Hollister and Abrerbrombie every day bother you?
Yes. The words Hollister and Abrerbrombie bother me cause idk what it means 
10. Could you go out in public without wearing make-up?
I dont even wear makeup
11. What is one feature that you don’t like?
12. Would people describe you as happy?
I'm full of emotions. 
13. Are you single?
I'm married to Aki chan and Neneko. TWO WIVES BITCHES. 3 including yui 
14. Does it bother you that pretty much every survey you take asks if you’re single?
15. Do you have Tumblr?
Yes. Cause Aki 
16. What about Xanga?
Sounds like gay website
17. Have you ever babysat before?
Thats gay. No.
18. Is there a teacher who you absolutely hate?
Maybe but i forgot
19. Ever shopped at Sephora?
Yea. in my dreams whereever that is.
20. If your current boyfriend/crush suddenly moved away what would you do?
move away with them. 
21. Do you have any university plans?
No. I live life like how yui lives her life. 
22. If your best friend revealed she was a homosexual, what would you do?
fuck you bro. you're not my friend anymore. 
23. What are your views on sex?
24. Do sexual questions bother you?
25. Would you rather have sex with your boyfriend or break up?
I would not have sex with a fucking boy. But if girl?.... ma.maybe. 
26. Have you ever dreamed about your wedding?
No. i wont have one anyways.. 
27. Does it bother you when people TYpe 1yk dis’? Nd stuff?
sut ta fk up 
28. Do you delete pictures of you and your exes off of Facebook?
tch stupid bitch. of course. 
29. Would you ever date a friends Ex?
ha. maybe. TAKE THAT FRIEND. 
30. What’s the last book you read?
50 shades of aki toyosaki. I dont read books. 
31. Ready for 10 simple questions?
32. What is your last name?
33. What grade are you in?
Grade 5 in Piano. 
34. What school do you go to?
Nanyang poly 
35. Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring?
36. Favorite Color?
Purple,blue,black. and Aki and Neneko's favourite colors
37. Are your parents together?
Yes. maybe wont be together if i reveal that. 
38. Any siblings?
My imaginary sister. JK. my best friends are my brother and sisters. 
39. Favorite subject?
Chinese. Music. English 
40. Least favorite subject?
Maths. FUCK YOU 
41. Favorite song?
Too many to list. 
42. Okay. Simple questions are over. Happy?
Gimme more. 
43. How many friends do you have on Facebook?
More than my real life friends. 
44. Ever been requested by some old guy from another country?
He wants my service. if you know what i mean. 
45. Have you ever googled yourself?
Yes. Im a fucking hong kong chef 
46. Have a Formspring?
47. You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do?
Fuck off. i'll sell it to those crazy fangirls and murder them and sell them again. Repeat loop 
48. Would you rather spend the day at an amusement park or a water park?
Amusement park. 
49. Been to Disney world?
50. If someone posts their status “9 Inches :(” do you know what they mean?
The size of their brain. 
51. Ever had a boyfriend?
Obviously not. im not even gay 
52. Ever had a huge crush on someone who still doesn’t know?
Aki and Neneko QAQ... <3 
53. Have you done something in the last week that you regret?
Not buying the Day 3 ticket to see Sphere performing at the concert. Real Life Aki chan is even more cute. 
54. Ever drank alcohol?
55. Know anyone who’s currently doing drugs?
My doctor friend. 
56. Ever watched The Hills?
Silent hill
57. What about Jersey Shore?
fuck you 
58. Ever called someone a slut?
yep. that slutty bitch. 
59. What do you think of short shorts?
i like long longs. 
60. Does it bother you if people swear around you?
Im the one swearing around people
61. Have you ever gotten an A in a subject?
62. What about a B?
63. And a C?
No. ima genius jk
64. How about a D?
65. Ever plagiarised?
I always do. 
66. Would you consider yourself popular and outcast or somewhere in the middle?
Outcast... but i wanna be popular :< 
67. Are most of your friends older or younger than you?
Younger or same age 
68. Ever been stabbed In the back by a close friend?
69. Do you think it’s immature when people laugh at the number 69?
70. Ever watched Porn?
71. How many laws do you think you’ve broken in the past month?
72. Do you wake up with an alarm clock?
No. i still continue to sleep
73. Do you prefer Wednesdays or Thursdays?
Wednesday. cause 1 lesson nia 
74. If your school had a Glee Club would you join?
Thats gay 
75. Ever performed in a talent show?
76. Have you ever cried in public?
No. OTOKO. man doesnt cry in public. 
77. Do you have a favorite between your Mom and your Dad?
Used to be my dad. not anymore 
78. Would you audition for a reality talent competition?
I wanna sing!! 
79. How many celebrity crushes have you had?
Hmm.. Ashley Tisdale, Hebe, Neneko, Aki.
4. so little 
80. How many non-celebrity crushes have you had?
tch. all bitches. 
81. Name 5 male celebrities who you think are attractive.
None. They all suck 
82. Name 5 female celebrities who you think are attractive.
Neneko, Akitoyosaki
Taylor Swift
Sunny Lin 
83. Ever been compared to a celebrity?
Some Korean... GAY. 
84. Have any embarrassing pictures on Facebook?
85. Do you think spending 20$ on Lip Gloss is a waste of money?
86. Ever used Opinionated?
No. I dont need other people's opinions 
87. Do you have a favorite store?
Food stores, Aki Toyosaki's store, Neneko's store, K-on's store, Gintama's store, Anime stores 
88. Would you ever wear Flare Jeans?
Im flaring up. 
89. Do you own jeans that aren’t skinny?
I'm too fat to wear jeans 
90. Have you ever worn the same outfit twice in one week?
School uniform 
91. What’s the longest period of time you’ve been away from school?
92. Do you google abbreviations you don’t understand?
93. Does it bother you when people have cats as their profile picture?
94. Own a pair of converse?
95. Is there a teacher at your school who has obvious favorites?
Should be 
96. If yes, are you one of them?
No.. im too ninja 
97. Do you text in class?
98. What brand of jeans do you wear the most?
I can't wear jeans
99. At what point do you think sizes are “Plus Sized?” Most magazines say 10. Do you agree?
erm 500 
100. Do you want to lose weight?
Yes, but lazy 
101. Ever seen a therapist?
Yes. It felt good. being raped by the rapist. JKJK. im not mad enough to see a therapist
102. Ever watched porn?
Fuck off 
103. Ever purposely ignored a text?
104. A facebook message?
105. A poke?
No. I return all pokes
106. A friend request?
107. Would you say you read into things too much?
Yes. cause ima cancer
108. Is your best friend more likely to be the one suggesting something stupid or refusing to do something stupid?
Refusing to do something stupid. Cause im the one suggesting HAHAHAHAHA 
109. Do you have a “fun friend?” (A friend who you have tons of fun with but you never really have deep conversations?)
Yes. those facebook friends lor
110. Ever been called a bully?
111. Ever purposely hurt yourself?
No. im not so stupid 
112. Ever gone to church?
Of course
113. Would you call either or your parents screw ups?
 Yea. my dad's a screw up. 
114. If you turned out exactly like your Dad would you be pleased?
No. im not a fking pervert like him 
115. What about your Mom?
No. im not a goody two shoes and a nagger. 
116. Let me guess… You have brown hair?
117. Already know what you’re being for Halloween?
Im scary enough 
118. Do you still go Trick or Treating?
I always trick. 
119. Ever liked someone WAY older than you?
Nah, my age gaps dont extend beyond 10. Aki ish 26, neneko is 16 i think. 
120. Does it bother you when people have really loud conversations on the bus?
121. When you have sunglasses on, do you stare at people?
OPPA GANGNAM STYLE. i dont wear sunglasses
122. Ever had a credit card denied?
 Bo credit card
123. What’s the last movie you watched?
Fairy tail movie :D And the NC16 movie. 
124. Last TV Show?
 Taiwan show
125. You see your Ex making out with one of your friends. What do you do?
 I dont even have an ex you bitch 
126. Ever been called a whore?
 aww yea. call me a manwhore 
127. Ever sang the national anthem?
 mari kita ra ya singapura sama sama majooodoooo bahagiya. cheetah cheetah ki ta yang mo rila!!! bergaya singapura. 
128. Ever made yourself throw up?
129. Have you ever kissed someone who wasn’t your boyfriend.
No. Never did kissed anymore before. 
130. Are you Cute or Gross?
 Grossly cute.  HAWH
131. Does it bother you when people say “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU’VE GROWN!”
No. I wanna be taller 
132. Can you say intelligent things around the guy you like?
I dont like any guys. but for girls.. well. Aki Toyosaki and Neneko chan.. Of course i act intelligent around them. Cause they're blur XD 
133. Ever had the lead in a play?
134. What about a solo in a concert?
135. What kind of a student are you?
136. Worst grade you’ve ever gotten with a Letter?
137. Worst grade you’ve ever gotten with a number?
138. Ever had a crush on a teacher?
139. Would it bother you if you found out that your mother was pregnant?
140. How late do you sleep in?
 very late nowadays
141. Do you edit your profile pictures before posting them?
142. Be 100% honest. Do you have any friends who are uglier than you?
 yes. heh. JKJK 
143. Do you believe in all that inner beauty crap?
 LOL crap. Yes i do believe in that crap. 
144. Would you consider yourself a good student?
 Yes. Ima angel 
145. Does it bother you when Surveys ask “Did you like this survey?”
146. Salty, Sweet, Sour or Spicy?
Sweet and Spicy 
147. Are you going into High School this year?
I alr am in it 
148. What about Junior High?
 I'm way passed it 
149. What is one thing someone could say to you right now that would make you cry?
Neneko and Aki Hates you. /sob sob
HAHA you didnt see Sphere's performance in AFA /sob sob
Aki chan has a boyfriend. Guess who? Its the composer for k-on!!! /sob sob sob 
150. Where did you find this note?
From wen. 
151. Last question. How many unread messages are in your phone?
0. i check my phone like a boss 

Aki Chan's GIFs


Aki Toyosaki

So.. After watching k-on i was sad and went to youtube to find some k-on clips to be happy and there are like related videos of the k-on cast in real life action learning how to play the instruments and shitz for their concert and so i went to watch it and then.. i saw how cute yui's seiyuu was and how tall she is and im like "OMG KAWAII" and i went to search for other vids of her.. and that was how i came to know about Aki Toyosaki chan 8D Her "Nani kore" at the start is alr WAYYYYYY TOO CUTE and their actions are like kids.. WTF SO CUTE <3 fucking cute. ARE THIS HOW JAPANESE GIRLS ARE? AWESOME MAX.  Her actions are also TOTALLY CUTE. Then azusa's seiyuu came as well and she's kinda cute too XD and yea.. no love for the rest of the cast. Ritsu's seiyuu is kinda okok though =w= And well yea.. the cutest two from the k-on seiyuu cast are all rumored to have a boyfriend and thus some crazy ass otaku stalkers scribbled on azusa and yui's photos and says that because the seiyuus have boyfriend, yui and azusa is DEAD. Well they're really extreme OTL.. i mean.. they can breakup with their boyfriends right? 8D (not that im cursing them or anything). They also took a photo of some dude holding a knife pointing at aki chan's neck in a magazine DAFUQ. don't kill her bros, she's wayyy too cute to die.  Aki chan's boyfriend is like the composer for the k-on songs..match made in heaven? he composes the songs and she sings them D:< and aki chan is like too cute for that composer to stand not jio-ing her LOLOL Wish them well (?) And from there onwards went to stalk her another video and this time its like.. KAWAII MAX. live scene of dubbing animes. 0:00-0:07, 1:16-1:37, 1:38-1:48 killed me. totally killed me. <3 I LURB JOO AKI CHAN. 


So yea.. the first blog post after sucha long time will be about..... K-ON!!!! Frankly I really regretted not watching it earlier.. i'm already wayyyy to late to be fanboying over k-on but i rly doubt those k-on fans really got over k-on seeing as AFA k-on's merchandises were almost sold out XD So... my favourite k-on member is.. (as you all know) HIRASAWA YUI!!!  Aww look at how cute she is. with her cute fringe and her cute face and her cute personality and her cute voice.(THANKS AKI CHAN!!)  I mean, if she was real, she'll be the perfect gf ever!! Ditzy and cute, she sings well, she plays the guitar, she loves cute things, the way she love all her friends. Even though some people might find her stupid, the fact is that she's just very focused. When she's focused on one task, she becomes an expert in that task and forgets how to do other things however, that isnt stupid, that's utmost concentration. Also, her being blur is another positive point. Girls shouldnt be too smart anyways. Not stereotyping but girls who are too smart arent that cute. Some people might like smart girls but i dont cause i'm not really smart myself...yea.. but oh well. Yui is just perfect. But i guess i really fanboyed too much about yui. seeing that i bought stuffs for myself. I dont really buy things for myself unless its really needed but i couldn't help but buy k-on merchandises OTL... oh well at least they're really practical as well XD  

Also. The two people who're really like Yui in real life are neneko and Aki chan <3 cause neneko looks alot like yui when she cosplay her and her personality is a little like yui as well, loving cute things and all friendly and shitz and well... Aki chan IS yui.. just that she's too tall. But Its alright, tall is cute too XD So now.. i has 3 waifus. /nerd fanboy hehehe 


Totally forgot about my blog LOL

Hmm so i didnt update my blog for so long cause i totally forgot about it and i was like lazy to blog when theres nobody reading it OTL but oh well since im bored i'll just upload abit.. prepare to be aki toyosaki and k-on spammed? OAO 

Totally HATE KPOP.
Wednesday 3 October 2012 | 05:48

Hmm, saw 9gag singapore post some new photo about some singapore actress asking some korean band "big bang" if she could be in their next music video. And a video of it too. Followed by stupid kpop fangirls raging at twitter for her for asking them if she could do that. hating her because she did that. Freaking HATE IT. it deserves so much dislike, however because the video uploader was so scared of the dislikes he/she decided to disable ratings. haha noob. fucking kpop. The top guy with his fucking gay blue hair and that gay ass earring is a douchebag saying "we only allow sexy people in our mv" -facepalm- jesus, koreans. Only obsessed with looks, using plastic surgery to become "sexy" DISGUSTING. The way those "big bang" acts are just pure douche, only 1 guy inside only know how to handle the situation. Why didnt the manager teach them how to act nice? idols are supposed to act nice even if they're not nice, but nooooo. If it was me i would reply like "we might try to arrange something for you :D" instead of laughing and acting awkward and saying "ohh we only allow sexy ladies" omg this is why i hate kpop bands, especially boy bands. Cause they're ALL freaking douches and their music sucks. its not even music, its just rubbish being sprouted and repeated in a techno tune. Dancing is nice? who the fuck cares. Kpop dances are lame and horrible, singing is obviously the more important one. But some people might think dancing is better, well, up to them but without songs, dances are lame, however, without dances, songs will still be awesome. horrible horrible kpop band "big bang", better go bang your heads on the wall -yandere mode- 

the tweets small like ants ROFL

douchebag blue haired asshole 

Dead blog D:
Tuesday 2 October 2012 | 05:34

Lazy blog nowadays, been busy working everyday and earning duh $$$ at home just watch videos all the way =w= watched mirai nikki and loved it. yuno and some other characters inside are so <33333333333333 Yuno might be crazy, however she really cares for yukiteru but yuki is freaking weak and mostly distrusts her. Weak, i agree with number 7th, yuki sucks (OMG YUNO DONT KILL ME QAQ) (i'll gladly take over yuki). I dont mind a yandere gf if she's this cute <333 lazy blog because nobody reads it also TROLLOL. oh well, wenwen intro the little kid video and mana SO CUTEEEEEE OMG. ended up stalking some of her videos. SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEE OMGGG MANA 蘆田愛菜. her song is really cute too <333333 maru maru mori mori and gyu gyu OMGGGGGGGGGGGG cute -squeals- she sings really well too, when she grows up she'll be a beauty... shit i sound so pedoish. oh well, little girls are so kewt, not in a sick way, in a "they so cute i want a daughter" way. But still, didnt really like the idea that she's a child idol, sure, her smiles are natural now, however due to the fact that her parents want her to keep smiling to make people like her and exploiting her like this, it'll lead negatively. she might grow up thinking that she has to scheme and please people so that she can make use of them or something. But hope wont ba,. TBH, i feel that parents shouldnt force their kids to learn some talents when they're young unless the kid is really interested. just like that 4 year old boy who has 8 packs. :areyoufuckingkiddingme: making a little kid train like mad and getting world records so that the parents can get money. exploiting parents are horrible. The kid will absolutely be deformed as he grow older. even though other kids at his school wouldnt dare to bully him, as it progresses on, once he gets older, confirm will deform and people will pick on him because well, people are evil. just like me, i feel like bullying him because he has 8 packs and well, i doubt a little kid can do much against older people. :3 Don't really like little boys for some reason, they suck. Maybe cause i see too many guys alr see until sian QAQ. Oh well, if i ever have kids i wish that i'll have daughters instead of son. I dont need people to carry on my surname, just daughters whom i can love :3 -pedo mode activate-  oh well, lazy blog alr HAHAHAHA. -spams photos and videos- 


 apparantly wenwen likes fuku boiboi there while i like mana. WELLWELL WENWEN, U CAN TAKE FUKU I WAN MANAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DESUUU -ultra pedo mode-

 Sub YUKI to sunny please :D


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