
BlaaBlaaBlaa .
Just a typical music,games and anime lover. Feel free to talk crap here LOLOL
Cause im sexy and i know it



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Morla - designer
your name :) – editor
lucchan - image

Awesome lyrics
Friday 31 August 2012 | 23:04

This has been going on
Each second i look you're gone
You're not calling
It's time for me to move on
My friends were right all along
You keep falling away

Giving ups not easy
Its hard enough just saying

As much as i make believe
You're not really here with me
What was i thinking from the beginning
You didn't care at all

So here's your last song

I can leave it all behind
Or take another chance to find you
No where in sight
Going to the movies alone
Every scene that's shown
Reminds me of you

Giving ups not easy
Its hard enough just saying

As much as i make believe
You're not really here with me
What was i thinking from the beginning
You didn't care at all
All that's left are the memories
Constantly haunting me
I'm giving up it's time to grow up
You're not around and we're not in love

LOL copy lyrics nia =w= , last song for ________

Disappointment again and anime photos

Hmm, so decided not to go to STGCC today after all. Bitch told me that she'll return the $70 at STGCC on saturday. Turns out she's NOT going cause she told some other person that she'll be "studying" because of exams coming soon. lies again. Studying maplestory sibo? Study how to flirt with guys izzit? Or cause nobody to accompany her to STGCC? Haha, thats what you get for abandoning your close friends and siding with strangers. Oh well, she better return it tomorrow. I should stop being so nice and letting her owe it and drag the payment longer. maybe I could be a loan shark? O$P$ on her doorstep LOLOL jkjk. I guess she expected me to go there, waiting for her to appear and not appearing. Luckily I didn't trust her and decided to check it up ^^ And she says that she hates it when people don't trust her, how could I?

Stalked her maple character and sees her with an evolving ring. Not sure if its level 16 or 17. Meh, if its 17 it means that she's a rich bitch, if its 16 it should be mine and she lied about throwing it away. Lies again, always lies. So what if her character is cashy, still a noob level 115 with noob ass damage. If she and her shintoki guild EVER raid any of my maple friend/guild's map, I'll ks them with everything I got. So yea pictures of my favourite anime characters ^^(LOL NO LINK) (credits to their various owners OAO) 


 Hani from sket dance. Hot, just hot *AHEM*

 Kuroyukihime <3 just <3

 Minorin! Awesome personality, cute too

 Momoi, just cute.

 Switch, cause he's awesome?

 Mami, idk, i just like her :3

And lastly, the ever awesome Hibari Kyoya!!!!  If I EVER cosplay, he'll be the first character I'll cosplay :333

Nice ending to another rant :3

Maplestory characters show off!

Hmmm nothing to post so might as well show off my maplestory character's levels :D

Dual blade-104 (meh its noob)
Wild hunter-128
Cannon Master-135
Demon slayer-148(meh, i hate it)
And lastly.. bishop-139 (still a higher level than that 115 noob priest) 

Hurhur, yea.. gonna spend 1 week of holidays on maple, then to find a job D:

Look at my sexy ass aran <3


Hmm, so might be going to STGCC tomorrow(technically today) to collect my $70 from someone.
Haiz, so we really met up with each other at STGCC 2 years ago and now we're ending it at STGCC LOL the irony. Really sad when strangers from maplestory can replace a 2 year friend. Even though I might've made her angry a few times, it doesnt justify her choosing strangers whom she's just normal friends with for 2 weeks over a 2 year friend. Even another close friend was abandoned by her. Just because he cared enough about her to ask her best friend about what happened to her family and she told him not to ask. No need for such extreme measures right? And now she's at maple with some other friends LOL. The previous friends whom she WENT OUT WITH TO WATCH MOVIE only after 2 fucking weeks were abandoned by her too. LOLWTF idkwts. I spent 1 years everyday chatting with her, trying to make her happy and she only went out with me after 1years+. LOL and she says i don't understand anything. Whats there to understand? The fact can never be argued with. The fact that she ignored me when i greeted her goodnight at whatsapp for 5 fucking days without any replies when her com spoilt tells me a whole lot. Even when she fixed her com, i was the last to know. Those strangers knew it before me. why? i dont get it. And she tells me that she lent her mum her phone? ROFL joke. If she did she couldn't fking go out with them. All lies. Only bitches lie. Even if she did, couldn't she just told me about it? her whatsapp was always on. Even when i went to her school TO LEND HER MY HARDDISK TO DOWNLOAD A GAME TO PLAY WITH HER FRIEND she was constantly whatsapp-ing with some person. And she says its with her best friend. Lies. i went to whatsapp and her friend wasnt on for 1 day. LOLWHUT. Really horrible. 

Nice guys really do finish last. Thats why I'll treat the rest like thrash. LOLJK i dont treat people who treat me nice like thrash unlike her =.= Really hope she'll throw away all the gifts that I've given her. Even the daughters of the garbageman deserves the rilakkumas more than her. Plenty of people told me to ignore her, to give her up. Well, I guess I did, as long as people dont mention her infront of me or I dont see megas of some rich asshole megaing: <3_______ in maple. =.= <3 her need tell the whole maple world meh. Fuck off please. Flirt. 


So.. for those who don't know who pewdiepie is, HE'S AN AWESOME PERSON!! People even cosplayed him, DOESNT THIS SHOW HOW AWESOME HE IS?

LOOK AT HOW HANDSOME HE IS! He's got almost everything, handsome, tall, earns money by making youtube videos of game-playing, has plenty of fan even though he's kinda vulgar and crude, a beautiful girlfriend, a car, his own house(and he lives with his girlfriend too). He's really funny as well. SO UNFAIR QAQ. P.S im not gay WTF

This is his awesome mcpixel gameplay. LOLOL KISSING OBAMA SAVES THE DAY!! 

Accel world

Hmmm watching Accel World on my phone this few days. Its so awesome XD Esp cause the main character is someone who is a little like me yet he could find his true love through a game ^^ The power that comes with the game looks really awesome OAO imagine if you could speed time up by 1000 seconds whereby other people only get 1 second. you could run faster than anyone, cheat on exams without being caught, punch anyone faster than ever in a fight, or even save someone's life. The game character would be your biggest fear/desire though. Hmm, no idea what it would be like. Oh well, enjoy the Opening song 2 for accel world. OMG <3 kuroyukihime <3 


We are Never Ever Getting Back Together

So. This is my new favourite English song now. why? because it explains how i feel like about her now HAISHHH. 

I used to think that we were forever and ever, and I used to say, never say never~
But what happened? I get replaced by strangers in a fking game =.=
But still, taylor swift is awesome HAHAHA 


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